Redeemer Covenant Church, Caledonia, Michigan


Our youth ministry creates opportunities for fellowship, discipleship, and service in three different ways:

YOUTH SMALL GROUPS–Our youth small groups meet the second and fourth Wednesday of each month (except for holidays and spring break) and are centered around discipleship through study, sharing, and prayer.

YOUTH SERVICE PROJECTS–Each month our youth seek to impact our community through service. We connect with local organizations like the Dutton Food Pantry and Renucci Hospitality House, as well as serving the communities of Caledonia and Dutton through special projects. No special skill sets required–just a desire to make a difference!

YOUTH ACTIVITIES–We also make time each month for fun and relaxation through movie nights, holiday parties, and other fun fellowship activities. Each year we also plan retreats and overnights, as well as special outreach events.

Check out our youth calendar below–click on an activity for more information!