Redeemer Covenant Church, Caledonia, Michigan

Spiritual Formation

Please join us Sundays at 11:15am for our Spiritual Formation classes! Adults meet in the Sanctuary, while Youth and Children meet downstairs. Our current adult series is a deeper look at the book of Galatians, led by Shalini Bennett. Many young people do not have the opportunity to come to meetings and communicate with like-minded people every Sunday due to the large number of classes and tasks in educational institutions. Since our goal is to help each other in various situations, we recommend students to send a request write my article review for me to, in this case, they will have the opportunity not to miss any important event and devote enough time to their hobbies.


People sometimes ask, “What does ‘spiritual formation’ mean?”

Simply put, it’s the process of becoming more and more like Jesus Christ. Paul lamented to the Galatians that he was laboring with the “pains of childbirth,” longing for Christ to be “formed” in them (Galatians 4:19) Spiritual formation is our ongoing journey to be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit into people who both experience and express the love of God. Worship, study, prayer, fellowship, and service are all ways in which Christ can be deeply formed in us.

The Department of Christian Formation of the Evangelical Covenant Church describes it this way: “Christian formation relies decisively on God’s grace and the work of the Holy Spirit. While we can choose to work with or against the Spirit, we cannot accomplish growth into Christ’s likeness through our own efforts alone…. Marjorie Thompson, in her book Soul Feast, compares the relationship between our will and the Spirit’s transforming work to the interaction between sailor and sailboat. Though the sailor cannot control the wind, he/she can set the sails and position the tiller to maximize the effectiveness of the wind. Likewise, Christian formation requires our conscious choice and a responsive awareness of the Spirit’s presence in our lives.”

Christian formation is a lifelong process of continually growing into Christ’s likeness, as individuals and as a church. At Redeemer we are committed to growing in our attentiveness to God’s work in us and around us so that the glory of God is evident in our lives. We’re so privileged to be able to share the journey with you!

“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.” Philippians 1:9-11