The Family of God for All People

Join us in Worship and Learning

  • Early Impact at 9:30am (Singing, praise, prayer, and monthly communion)
  • FaithFinders at 10am (Christian education/Sunday school)
  • LifeWalk at 11am (Lessons, drama, singing, and LifeTalk/sermon)

Redeemer Covenant is bringing a more contemporary style of service, in a more flexible schedule.

First time visitors can get a quick taste of our style of worship by joining the LifeWalk service at 11am.

The Paul Carlson Congo site for the Covenant have some special needs right now:

1) MEDICAL: Anesthesia machines, surgical instruments, microscopes, infant and adult scales, hospital beds, exam tables, and mattresses
2) CONSTRUCTION: Two backhoes
3) SHIPPING NEEDS: 7 cargo containers from US to Congo - total cost $10,000.

Current projects in motion are a soapmaking enterprise, palm oil microentreprise, sawmill and wood warehouse and a bridge. Please visit their site and prayerfully consider how you can help.

Join our new online community, Comm2. Post messages,  get news updates, find other members, and more.  This is where RCC is headed to for Community and Communications (Comm2, get it?).

Keep up to date on our online calendar, too.

MOPS International - because mothering matters

Mom, do you need a time out?

Join other moms with kids age birth through kindergarten on the 1st Tuesday of every month, September through May, at Redeemer Covenant Church, 9:15 - 11:15 a.m. Child care is available during the meetings. Our meetings include time for either a speaker or creative activity, door prizes, discussion groups, and fun! Enjoy two hours without your kids, knowing they are well taken care of by dedicated adult volunteers.

We also meet as a play group on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, from 9:45 - 11:30. Please call 281-1274 to preregister.

Pastor Paul HillmanWe are currently learning lessons from 1 John

Pastor Paul Hillman is leading the church in an study of the lessons from 1 John and how to apply it in our lives.

1 John 1:10 (from The Message)
"If we claim that we've never sinned, we out-and-out contradict God--make a liar out of him. A claim like that only shows off our ignorance of God."

Here are some of the great acts from our 10th Annual Talent Show (MP3s)